January Updates from Mrs. Marks
January Updates
JANUARY Updates from Mrs. Marks…
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope everyone enjoyed their time off during winter break. Thank you to the PTO for all the generous gifts to the staff and me. We are so fortunate to have.
- Be prepared for winter weather - Please have a family plan should school need to be dismissed early in regards to your child’s dismissal. When there is a school delay, early dismissal, on-line Flexible Instruction Day (FID)or closure, families will receive a mass notification from the District. Please also check the district website if you think you may have missed the notification. When there is a 2-hour delay, the arrival time is 10:50 am. Breakfast is not served on 2-hour delays and any morning programs are canceled. Teachers will be emailing you their specific FID day instructions/schedule and have practiced with their students so they are prepared.
- As we begin the new year, students will start with mid-year assessments in ELA and Math. These assessments will all be completed over the next few weeks. This information is used to see individual student growth and used by staff to determine small group instruction for GAIN (Growth and Intervention Network). It is expected for children to make changes in their skill groups as they grow or have areas that continue to need to be developed. Classroom teachers will be in touch following assessments to let you know about your child’s progress.
- In January we celebrate the life and contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. MLK's dream of kindness lives on! AT CE we honor his legacy this month by participating in the Great Kindness Challenge. All families are invited to our kick off at 8:50 am on Monday, January 27th for our annual Kindness Tunnel on the playground and assembly in the gym. It's a perfect opportunity to spread love and compassion in our communities.
- Something new at CE…The GOLDEN Ladle!
What is the Golden Ladle? An award earned weekly by a classroom in each grade level for making good choices in the cafeteria. The class will receive an actual Golden Ladle to display in their classroom!
How do classes earn the Golden Ladle? Each day, when teachers pick students up in the cafeteria, they will ask the cafeteria aides which classroom showed off the BEST Coyotes Character Traits that day.
What does the class do if they receive the Golden Ladle? Proudly display the Golden Ladle in their classroom for the week, and pass the award off to the next winner.
Is there a prize? At the end of each trimester, the class that earned the most time with the Golden Ladle will have an ice cream party!
Other things at CE to know about…
- The PTO meeting will be on Wednesday, January 8th at 6:00 pm. The link for the meeting will be sent next week.
- We always try to get outside! Please make sure you send your child to school appropriately dressed for the weather!
- Please label your child’s jacket and sweatshirts with their name - so much is still accumulating in the Lost and Still Lost or consider purchasing Mabels Labels, a great PTO fundraiser!
DATES TO KNOW in January:
Mondays in January until 1/13 - 2nd Grade Lego Club until 4:35
BEST (Beginning English Skills Today) Program - Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:15 am
Friday, January 17 - 12:30 Early Dismissal (PLT)
Monday, January 20th - No School - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Monday, January 27th to Friday, January 31st - Great Kindness Challenge