Our Principal
Denise Marks, Principal
Mrs. Denise Marks began her tenure as the principal at Conshohocken Elementary School (CE) in 2008. Mrs. Marks' favorite aspects of the job include watching the students grow academically from year to year, working with an excellent staff and making connections with the supportive Conshohocken community.
"I believe the secret to running a successful school is being a leader who is also a part of the team," said Mrs. Marks. "When you are a part of team, you recognize that sometimes there are other players who have different skills that balance the team out. Knowing what position to play, knowing what you excel, and knowing when it's important to let others be the player of the game is what I think makes a good leader."
Mrs. Marks holds a B.S. in Elementary Education from Penn State, M.Ed. in Elementary Education, Curriculum and Instruction from Widener University, and Elementary School Principal Certification from Arcadia University. She came to the Colonial School District in 2001 as the Assistant Principal at Colonial Elementary School.